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土井 美和
​Miwa Doi

株式会社Clienteling Advisory 代表取締役


経歴 獨協大学外国語学部英語科 卒業

   2001年 ルイ・ヴィトンジャパン入社

   在籍中 全国1500名の販売員中顧客保有数1を獲得


   2022年 Clienteling Advisory設立

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About me








2021年には全国7万人の販売員の頂点を決める『STAFF OF THE YEAR』の最終審査に抜擢されるなど活躍の場を広げている。

I am a Client relationship and engagement adviser, providing various trainings and lessons for retail sales associates to establish enduring relationships with their clients. 
I am dedicated to imparting the skills necessary to cultivate lifelong clientele, through a methodology aimed at not only enhancing sales proficiency, but also at deeply resonating with clients from their first interactions.

I have served as a certified sales expert and a top performer at Louis Vuitton Japan, where in 2012, I was awarded in achieving the highest number of repeated customers, and since then consistently maintained over 150 clients.
Renowned for my adeptness in cultivating enduring rapport with clients, regardless of their shopping experience, 
I embarked on entrepreneurship in February 2020 with a vision for sales associates to foster enduring customer relationships.
Since then, I have delivered lectures across a diverse spectrum of industries, encompassing various luxury brands and industries including apparel, jewelry, watches, furniture, weddings, cosmetics and beauty, restaurants, hotels, department stores, and clinics.


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